Kevin Smith Makes A Bad Porno

I like Kevin Smith movies. His movies are hardcore-talking, testosterone-filled smut fests with a heart of gold. Basically, Kevin Smith movies are for guys around the age of 18-28. I remember when “Clerks” came out, I was surprised by the ballsy writing and the silliness of the characters. But the thing that I really liked was that it was like hanging with a couple of buddies who were all talk. No matter what they talked about, you just knew they were full of bullcrap and hot air. And this philosophy followed on the rest of the Smith collection. From “Chasing Amy” to “Clerks II” (which I thought was hysterical!), Smith always keeps it just above a teenage boy mentality.

In “Zach & Miri Make A Porno” (the 2nd film I’ve seen with the 2 characters named in the title), Smith set out to make a love story wrapped up in a porn flick. And even though you would think this would be an easy task for him, he fails miserably. Like all of his other films, this movie is all talk. Basically the plot revolves 2 best friends (played by Seth Rogen & Elizabeth Banks) who have known each other for 20 years. They are both working dead end jobs and between the 2 of them, they can’t afford to pay rent or the electric or heating bills. Because of this, in order to make money, they decide to make a porno movie.

Now all of this lends itself to be hysterical, especially with Rogan being involved. But it isn’t. As a matter of fact, this is the weakest script that Smith has ever produced. The dialogue isn’t particularly funny in most cases and the love story bogs down the entire ending of the movie. The only true redeeming value of this film is Elizabeth Banks. Hollywood has been producing a strong glut of really good actresses in the last 5 years or so, and Banks is right up there. At one point of this movie, the characters reference Julia Roberts’ turn in “Pretty Woman”. Well…Banks’ smile is right up there with Roberts’. When she smiles or laughs, the whole screen lights up. And she is truly the only saving grace of this film. It doesn’t really offer much else besides a couple of funny scenes (mostly involving Smith-staple, actor Jason Mewes) and a cool late 90’s soundtrack.

Needless to say, if you are a Kevin Smith fan, you probably have already seen this movie. If you’re not, then the title has probably either turned you off or turned you onto it. Either way, it is safe to say that you can pass on this film. It’s not very good. But Banks is, and she is all set to appear in a slew of films coming out soon (you can also see her in the George Bush film “W”)! So be on the lookout for her in more good movies. But, as for “Zach & Miri”, you can pass. There’s nothing new to see here. Even the nudity is watered down…and that makes for some pretty lame movie watching.

Overall Rating: C-